Britain's Got Talent is a British talent reality television series that first aired in 2007. As of June 2011, there have been five completed series. The show has been spun-off around the world under the Got Talent franchise. The competition is open to people of all ages who possess a talent. After the initial rounds of auditions, successful contestants are narrowed down by the judges.
In the first series, 24 contestants made it into the three semi-finals, and in subsequent series this has been increased to 40 contestants across five live shows. The act which receives the most public votes in each semi-final goes through to the final, with the second finalist being decided by the judges from the second and third most popular contestants. In the final, each of the finalists perform again, but this time the result is determined purely from the public vote, with the winner receiving £100,000 and the chance to perform their act at the Royal Variety Performance.
Although the competition is open to acts with any talent, four of the five series have been won by either a singer or dance act. Opera singer Paul Potts won the first series of the competition in 2007, street dancer George Sampson won the second series in 2008, dance troupe Diversity won the third series in 2009, gymnast troupe Spelbound won the fourth series in 2010, and singer Jai McDowall won the fifth series in 2011.
Contents |
For more details on each of the contestants, see the relevant series article.
Name | Series | Act | Finished |
2 Grand | 3 | Singing duo | 10th |
The Bar Wizards | 1 | Juggling | 6th |
Susan Boyle | 3 | Singer | 2nd |
Paul Burling | 4 | Impressionist | 5th |
Cheeky Monkeys | 2 | Child Dance duo | 6th |
Michael Collings | 5 | Singer/Guitarist | 5th[1][2] |
Connected[A] | 4 | Child Singers | 8th |
Bessie Cursons | 1 | Musical Theatre performer | 4th |
Janey Cutler | 4 | Singer | 9th |
Aidan Davis | 3 | Streetdancer | 5th |
Diversity | 3 | Streetdance troupe | 1st |
Escala | 2 | String quartet | 4th |
Flawless | 3 | Streetdance troupe | 8th |
Kieran Gaffney | 4 | Drummer | 3rd |
Paul Gbegbaje | 5 | Pianist | 6th[1][3] |
Les Gibson | 5 | Impressionist | 9th[1][4] |
Razy Gogonea | 5 | Breakdancer/Body-Popping | 4th[1][2] |
Steven Hall | 5 | Comedy dancer | 7th[1][5] |
James Hobley | 5 | Dancer | 8th[1][4] |
Shaheen Jafargholi | 3 | Child Singer | 7th |
Andrew Johnston | 2 | Child Soprano | 3rd |
Kate and Gin | 2 | Musical canine freestyle | 7th |
Kombat Breakers | 1 | Dance troupe | 5th |
Jai McDowall | 5 | Singer | 1st[1][5] |
Liam McNally | 4 | Child Soprano | 10th |
Jean Martyn | 5 | Organist | 10th[1][6] |
Tobias Mead | 4 | Dancer | 6th |
Andrew Muir | 2 | Singer | 10th |
Nemesis | 2 | Dance troupe | 8th |
New Bounce | 5 | Child Singers | 3rd[1][6] |
Ronan Parke | 5 | Child Singer | 2nd[1][3] |
Paul Potts | 1 | Opera Singer | 1st |
George Sampson | 2 | Streetdancer | 1st |
Damon Scott | 1 | Puppeteer | 3rd |
Signature | 2 | Bhanghra dancers | 2nd |
Faryl Smith | 2 | Classical Singer | 5th |
Julian Smith | 3 | Saxophonist | 3rd |
Shaun Smith | 3 | Child Singer | 9th |
Spelbound | 4 | Gymnastic troupe | 1st |
Stavros Flatley | 3 | Comedy Dance duo | 4th |
Hollie Steel | 3 | Child Singer/Dancer | 6th |
Christopher Stone | 4 | Singer | 7th |
Strike | 2 | Martial arts demo | 9th |
Connie Talbot | 1 | Child Singer | 2nd |
Tina and Chandi | 4 | Dancing Dog act | 4th |
Twist and Pulse | 4 | Dance duo | 2nd |